Presenting below the blog-post which won the first prize in the contest.
If I were the Prime Minister of India, the three things I would change by Nilesh R. Jaiswal
To lead the largest democracy of the world is a great honor in itself. As they say great power comes with great responsibilities.
From the first minute of taking charge as the prime minister of country I would focus on
following three priorities
1) Improve Public Administration
2) Improve quality of living of people
3) Sustainable Growth

Below are the details as how we can achieve this
1) Improve Public Administration:
a) Election reforms: Government of India spends lots of money on elections. At every now and then there are different elections happening in the country may be its a corporation / panchayat elections / ZP elections / MLA / MP elections and most of the candidates spends hefty amount much more than the actual limit set by the election commission. Once the candidate has own the election he tries to recover his investment (his election xpenditure) and make profit, this is the root cause for the corruption. Being a prime minister I would be enjoying the majority in both the houses of parliament and I will pass a resolution by which all the elections in the country will happen only once in five years. With this I am sure we will be able to save lots of public money. Will bring all the political parties under Right Toinformation Act so as to maintain the transparency about the sources of money.
be terminated from their job and will not be able to serve any Government office for rest of their life. This way corruption will be reduced. For elected
public servants it would be mandatory to have a non-criminal background and if found otherwise they would be forced to resigned from their duties. This way we will have good people in politics. Will support right to recall to bring elected representatives back if they are not doing their duties.
c) Black-money: My foremost agenda would be to bring back the black-money which is lying in foreign banks. German Government was ready to give us the list of our national who have black money in these banks but the present government didn't had the guts to take that list from them and summoned the people who are having black money lying in those banks. Being a prime minister I will utilize the power given by constitution and will request the other countries who are ready to cooperate in this regard. Presently our government has the list of 91 people who are holding accounts in Swiss banks. They haven't made the list public due to their own interests. I pledged that I will not only make the list public but will bring all the money back to our country and spend it on the development of our nation.
2) Improve Quality of Living
To me quality of living can be better only if everybody gets
a) Education: As they says we need a better education system to produce the people with right skills. Currently we are producing lots of graduates with but they are less equipped with the correct skills. I would emphasize on building the world class universities in every state of the country. Nobody should be deprived of his basic right for education. I would look to bridge the gap between the quality of public and private schools. I would look to see to the extent that the kids of the prime minister and his driver should be able to study in the same school and under the same roof.
b) Health: I would implement right to Medicare as a fundamental right. Will promote the usage of generic medicines. It would be compulsory for a treating medical doctors to write the generic names on their prescription. Will promote the Ayurveda research and its usage in the country.
c) Safety : Every now and then some or the other part of the country is under terror attack / naxalite attack. I would equip our police / Para-military / armed forces with the latest fighting equipment’s and will make sure that terrorists are given the justice they deserves. With this I am confident of creating a environment where every citizen of the country will feel safe and secure.
As a nation we can have sustainable growth if we have
a) Infrastructure: On priority will improve the roads, communication facilities by following the due process of giving tenders and making it compulsory clause to maintain what the contractor have built for next 20 years.
b) River Joining Project: In India every year we face the situation where some part of the country is suffering with the draught and the other part is suffering with the flood. I would make sure that we implement this ambitious river joining project so that every part of the country will get the sufficient water and we will be less prone to flood like situation. Making water available for irrigation will surely improve agriculture and farmers would be able to grow better crops and have a better life. Currently most of the farmers are doing suicides in different parts of the country since they are not able to grow the crops due to uncertain rain in many parts of the country.
c) Invest in next-gen technologies: I would invest in next generation technologies equipment’s and research for our army, navy and
air force. Nation is secure only when its armed forces are duly equipped with latest fighting equipment’s.
Nilesh R Jaiswal
(Your Loving Prime ministerial candidate .